Justin's almond butter reviews

Justin's is one of my favorite nut butter brands, hands down! My brother (who, I must tell you, is not one to eat healthy, despite by efforts to stock our cupboards and fridge with nutritious items) told me a couple years ago how much he loved it, so I figured it had to be okay if he thought so! Even though it pains me to admit it, my brother was actually very right - this stuff is GOOD.

At my grocery store, they really only have the maple, honey, and classic flavors. I'm not saying they're bad flavors, I'm only saying that they're not the jazziest! Anyway, I decided to search on herb.com one day to see if there were any other flavors out there, and, whaddaya know, I found both vanilla and chocolate Justin's almond butter! I immediately added them to my cart and "checked out," eager to have them arrive at my door as soon as possible. 

After they came, my love for Justin's almond butter only intensified.

Vanilla almond butter:
I think it's safe to say that this is my most favorite flavor! It. Tastes. Incredible. I kid you not, taking a spoonful of this is like eating frosting off a cake. Soooo yummmm. But you don't have to feel guilty at all, because there's only six ingredients and six grams of sugar per two tablespoons! Buh-bye, unhealthy, super-high sugar frosting; helloooo sinlessly delicious almond butter.


Chocolate almond butter (discontinued):
When I was little, I was a severe chocoholic. All I would really eat were Oreos, chocolate fudge PopTarts, chocolate Frosted Mini Wheats, chocolate chip waffles, Nutella, etc, etc. I have since learned to tame my chocolate addiction, but I have found plenty of ways to satisfy my chocolate cravings (which still occur quite often, though my food pallet is not so limited anymore) in healthier ways. One such way is chocolate almond butter. Particularly JUSTIN'S chocolate almond butter. Ohmygosh, this flavor is super duper creamy and easy to spread, plus it tastes positively AMAZING to boot! I've tried several different chocolate almond butters and hazelnut spreads, but this is definitely my favorite so far. It goes on so thick and, similar to the vanilla flavor, frosting-like. Mmmm, just sitting here writing this is making my mouth water! This is a must try for sure!

Maple almond butter:
Honestly, there isn't much else to tell about this flavor - it's essentially all in the name. Mapley goodness combined with the sweet taste of almonds… Perfection! There is even a slight salty, gritty texture to this nut butter, which just adds to the outstanding flavor. I absolutely love spreading this on anything - pancakes, oatmeal, nana ice cream, parfaits, cereal, rice cakes, fruits… I could go on forever. But I think my favorite is when it's on pancakes. With maple syrup. Because maple. And syrup. You really can't go wrong with either!


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